Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Best Career Tool- Your Communications Platform

Your Communications Platform

A simple document I call "Your Communications Platform" is very useful as a means of organizing all your communications including your resume selling line, bio, 60 elevator speech, LinkedIn page, and other communications to ensure you are speaking clearly and with "one voice" to people who matter in your career search.

The first section is the "Key Selling Statement". It concisely describes your primary professional focus (senior IT executive) and your key support value (adept at building effective teams across the company).

The second section is your "Target Audience". You have to know to whom you are speaking in order to create strong communications messages.

The third section is your "Unique Selling Point". This is the special quality that sets you apart from other professionals in your field.

The fourth section is your "Key Support Points". This includes your education, major employment highlights, professional strengths, and other factors that add credibility to your Key Selling Statement.

The fifth section consists of 3-4 brief stories that illustrate, in bright prose, all of the above information.

You should write all of this down, refine it with some close associates and then PRACTICE and USE IT in all of your communications.

Good luck and good hunting!

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