What I like most about Sheryl Sandburg’s new career book is
the title, Lean In.
During twenty-five years of advertising management in New
York City and San Francisco, eight years as a retained executive recruiter, and
eight years as a career strategist and coach, the most memorable people I have
known are those who “leaned in”, who pushed the pace of the relationship.
I particularly admire the men and women who “leaned in
thoughtfully”, with class and a sense of urgency, but also of balance.
We are all trying to reach all sorts of people, be it
customers, people on LinkedIn, recruiters, hiring executives, board members and
other targets of our business and career-building activities.
Most of us are reticent to press ourselves on others. We think it is impolite or boorish. Others
overdo their outreach and burnout their relationships before they even get
Leaning in and pushing the pace with balance is a tricky,
but important, technique to develop.
From my view, the world is a much more competitive arena
than in past years. Time is of the
essence, jobs are fleeting, companies and people come and go. That requires that we become much more
tactical and agile in our business-building and career-building
activities. Everyone understands this
now; everyone “gets the joke”.
The “joke” is that we are constantly communicating
one-to-one, by phone, tablet, laptop, etc., to make something happen. People understand that because they are doing
the same thing.
So, now that you realize that everyone is in this self-promotional
boat, you can start rowing yours faster.
You can lean in more, you can push the pace with people, especially in
your career search.
When you send an introductory email to meet someone (with
your bio, NOT your resume attached), leave them a voice-mail a day later
calling attention to your email with date/time and purpose in contacting
them. Be brief, but clear in what you
are seeking (a meeting, a reference, a lead, etc). Then, follow-up one day sooner than you are
comfortable with (leaning in means being a little uncomfortable), and every few
days a little sooner than you normally would until you achieve your objective.
If your reason for meeting them is legitimate (meaning that
you have done your homework and you know what real value you could bring to the
person or company you are contacting), then pushing the pace of getting to them
is totally appropriate. As far as you
are concerned, they NEED you, for very good reasons that you can readily
At job fairs, professional mixers, local coffee shops and
other venues of potential contacts and opportunity, don’t fail to move out of
your comfort zone and “lean into” the crowd.
Shake hands firmly, look people in the eyes, smile, speak with
sincerity, poise and knowledge. Ask them
what they do, why they do it, how you might be able to help them. Briefly make them aware of those same factors
on your behalf.
On phone calls, stand up, lean into the conversation, again with
poise and balance. Be present. Push the pace. That is called energy. And people react well to energy, as long as
it is not nuclear.
And in interviews, be present, aware, poised yet slightly
intense. Lean into the conversation when
appropriate to make a point, then relax a bit so that you do not take over the
Remember, Sheryl said “Lean In”, not shout, boast, dominate
or otherwise overwhelm the other person.
We are speaking here about a balanced playing field between you and
whomever you are speaking with.
Move a little out of your comfort zone. Lean in.
Practice it!
Good luck!